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This weeks Spotlight Sunday is the one and only DJ Bubba!

Here at ngage radio, DJ Bubba does his ever popular shows Bubbas BIG Boombox Show and the Old Skool Show where he broadcasts live from Berwick-upon-tweed, close to the Scottish border. We wanted to know more about our DJ who originally grew up in Walderslade, Kent where he spent most of his childhood.

We found out that DJ Bubba hasn’t always been a DJ but seems to be a dab hand at a few things including a bus driver, a butcher and now he is a delivery driver for a well known company.

DJ Bubba started doing Radio over 10 years ago, back in 2013 when he happened to tune into an internet station and came across a broadcast hosted by two presenters. One voice reminded him of somebody he used to work with when he was a bus driver, this person being Hector Macaulay,  whose sadly passed away now. “He had a very distinctive laugh. I knew it must of been him so I got in touch with the studio and it was him!

He asked me to come up to studio in Haddington, Edinburgh. where he told me to sit in on the radio, gave me some headphones, a microphone and join in, so I did. I really, really enjoyed it and I thought then and there, this is for me! From there I did another couple of shows with them, did the research to find out the basic minimum things I needed to start radio online and that’s how it all began and I’ve been doing it ever since. I’ve upgraded my equipment, spent a lot of money (don’t tell wife haha),  and that’s why I’ve kept on doing it because  I thoroughly love it.”


Ngage radio has lots of different DJ’s that all have their own stories behind how they came up with their DJ names so we were really interested to find out how the name DJ Bubba came about?

“When I used to drive buses we all had nicknames, I was a fan of police academy in the 80’s and a guy called Hightower was a character in the show. His real name was Bubba Smith and because I used to repeat the different phrases he would say from the films, the rest of the bus drivers started calling me Bubba, I don’t know why they didn’t call me Hightower, it was just Bubba and it stuck like all nicknames do. Ever since then that was my nickname so when I became a DJ and needed a name I thought THAT IS the name so I continued that through”

Being a DJ you get so many song requests from so many genres and we enjoy this opportunity to ask our DJ’s what their favourite genre of music is.

DJ Bubba told us his favourite genre of music is hip hop, electro,  old skool breakdancing tunes. “This is the genre and type of music that I grew up with and loved which then spurred me on to like Soul, R’n’B,  Funk, that kind of vibe.” Also you’ll be interested or surprised to know that DJ Bubbas guilty pleasure is in fact Abba!

DJ Bubbas hit show, Bubbas BIG BoomBox Show is a firm fan favourite here on ngage radio so we wanted to ask the man himself what was the inspiration for the show and did the name come about?

“I’ve worked with different  stations over 10 years and it was the first thing that I started doing. I was trying to think of a name that would go with ‘Bubba’. I like the old skool retro boomboxes and I actually own a replica of one of the old 80’s style, so I incorporated that and it ended up becoming ‘Bubbas BIG Boombox Show, all the B’s so I’ve kept it pretty much the same.

I’ve always had the same ‘guess the back track’ feature, people really love that, who doesn’t love trying to guess songs in reverse? Its one of my oldest feature’s, I’ve always done it and it always goes down so well.”

Our listeners love the old skool show of DJ Bubbas, they tell us that many of the songs played bring back some amazing memories for them so we wondered if there was any songs that bring back memories for DJ Bubba and could he remember the first single he ever bought?

“The first track I heard was when the Street Sounds Electro Series started by Morgan Khan who I’m friends with. When this started everyone was buying them at school! When I first listened to the Electro 2 album there were two tracks on that album that really blew my mind, Al-Naafiysh by Hasheem and 2 3 Break by B-Boys. I heard those songs and honestly, those are my best memories as they brought me into the world of electro and got me hooked.

The first record bought for me, believe it or not was the wombles!  Nanna bought me the Wombles when i was about 6 or 7, Wombling White Tie and Tales. It always brings back a tear in my eye because it was my Nanna that bought it for me. Maybe that song is  one of my guilty pleasures!”

“The other one is a record that i bought and that was Whodini, a trio rap band from the 80’s. They did quite a lot of tracks but 5 track EP Special Edition was the first one i ever paid for out of my own pocket money.”

Aside from music we like to get to know our DJ’s other interests or fun facts and trust us DJ Bubba DID NOT disappoint with this fun fact!

“Back in the 80’s I worked on building sites and there was a series on tv called Auf Wiedersehen Pet, a comedy series, set in Germany. My fun fact about me is that I know pretty much word for word every episode of the show! I’m that much of a big fan in fact, that I’m part of the Auf Wiedersehen Pet Appreciation Society on Facebook as well as having a collection of memorabilia.”

Broadcasting on radio is always a great opportunity to interview some amazing people and we asked DJ Bubba who he would like to interview, dead or alive?

“Unfortunately they have both passed away, but there are two. The first would be Michael Jackson. I loved Michael Jacksons songs, the man was amazing! His dancing routines and his music was fantastic!

The other person I would of loved to of interviewed would of been Freddie Mercury. They would be the two main people i would have loved to of sat down with as growing up they had a big influence on me when it came to music. There are a lot of  fantastic artists, there’s a lot more dead and alive but they are the two that stand out.”

Now we know who DJ Bubba would like to interview we wanted to know about any famous people he may have been lucky enough to meet?

“Back in 80’s, 1985  to be more precise Paul Hardcastle released 19, the  song went to number 1 in the UK Singles Chart and was big in hip hop electro breakdancing and I absolutely loved it! My friend and I were at a shopping centre when we happened to bump into him! He’s was a very nice man and I still listen to his music today. I love his stuff,  its a very cool vibe he does, with the electro instruments that he uses. I asked him few questions and that was back in day when we didn’t have smartphones with cameras  and we never  had a camera so I couldn’t take a picture, that was my biggest regret, not getting a photo with Paul Hardcastle.

I’ve also met Christopher Reeve who of course back in the day played Superman. In the sporting world I’ve met darts player John Lowe aka Old Stoneface as well as Gary Anderson, he’s a local guy and played darts in the pub in Berwick-Upon-Tweed. I’m a big darts fan!

I’ve been to see lots of different artists as well! Public Enemy are my favourite groups and I got to see them when they were a supporting act for the Prodigy. Seeing both Public Enemy AND the Prodigy in the same night! Fantastic show!”

When DJ Bubba isn’t broadcasting you may find him in the middle of a field setting off his drone as DJ Bubba told us he has a keen eye of all things photography

DJ Bubbas Drone Photography of his home town.

“I’m a big big fan of photography, I have a proper SLR camera but with evolving phones now as they are so brilliant at taking photos, I don’t use the camera as much. I’ve been flying drones for about 9 years, I’m a big drone flyer! I love taking aerial photography, with taking pictures from heights you see so many more things from a different angle. I love darts and I’m a big Newcastle united fan, up the toon army! I also love good food!”


We love having DJ Bubba here with us at ngage radio, he brings fun, character, support for our younger DJ’s and of course his amazing music knowledge and talent. But what does DJ Bubba think about being a part of the ngage team?

“Ngage is absolutely amazing, I’ve been on other stations but ngage is for me by far the best! Everyone is friendly, helpful & supportive. We are like one big family and I love being a part of it. From the girls that do the social media side of it to Danny and Neil who are amazing people as well as the presenters and the DJ’s.

I love that they are getting youngsters on board, enhancing and giving them air time to practice their skill and evolve, its great and I love being a part of that! I love the variety of music they play on ngage radio and it really is just a fantastic place to be!”

We’re really proud of our team here at ngage, regardless of age or experience we are an extremely supportive team and that extends out to our fantastic community of listeners. The listeners support all of our DJ’s and presenters and are especially supportive when it comes to our younger DJ’s. With DJ Bubbas extensive knowledge and experience working within many radio stations , did he have any advice to give any youngsters who may be considering this as a future career?

“If you love music and want to get into radio I would say get the bare minimum, sometimes its not for everyone, your on your own talking into the mic but if you love it and enjoy it and get bitten by the radio bug then take it, flow with it, have fun and enjoy it! Make it as interesting as u can,  keep the listeners in the palm of your hand and enjoy the ride. Ride with it because its amazing! Go for it! I’ve loved the experience and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Something we love asking all of our DJ’s is “what does music mean to you?” and whilst they all share a love for music they all have a different answer. Here’s DJ Bubbas…

“Music means everything to me! If its a choice between putting the tv on or listening to radio, radio wins, every time! I’ve got a lot of music on my hard drive and I like all kinds of genres. I’m not just into the hip hop and the electro side, I love it all, even pop! I do like a bit of country, reggae and even rock! I must admit I’m not a big fan of heavy rock but I do listen to some stuff. Across the board I’ll listen to anything! I listen to the old composers like Beethoven, I find this very calming and puts you at ease. If you listen carefully, its fantastic music. Music is life! If we didn’t have music what kind of world would it be?”

We’ve really enjoyed this interview with DJ Bubba but we could let him go without asking him the Spotlight Sunday random questions!

Favourite holiday destination:


“I’ve been going every year for  35 years with my wife to Tenerife. We started going since i first met my wife  and we’ve gone ever since! We love it and its an  amazing place. DJ Lopez is also from there, he’s an amazing guy. He pointed me in a few directions of local places to go, we’ve just come back in January from there,  we hired a car, off we went and it was so good! For the first time i even tried Adeje Chicken for the first time from where the man himself is from!”

Favourite Food :

“I do love fish and chips but it has to be haddock! Good old haddock and chips! if you get a good fish and chips you’ve eaten well.”

Favourite sport :

“I’m a huge Football and darts fan. My football team Newcastle Untied are doing very well at moment, I’m hoping for silverware in the cabinet if we win the Carabao Cup final on Sunday 26th February against Manchester United”

Favourite radio station :

“Of course its got to be ngage radio!”



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